Go RG ? G or G ? G Org.Org ?
Whatever you want it to be.
If you want any 'G' links included then mail gorg on: gorg@gorg.org
Here is an opening selection of the kind of 'G' that you may be looking for:
G-whiz, G- force, G-string, G-clef
Some 'Gorgs': gorge, gorgeous, gorget, gorgio, gorgon, gorgonian, gorgonzola
G: Seventh letter of the
English alphabet.
g: Symbol for gallon.
g: Symbol for gram.
g: Symbol for grav.
g: Symbol for acceleration of free fall - due to gravity.
G: Fifth note in the scale of C Major.
G: Symbol for gauss
G: Symbol for gravitational constant
G: Symbol for conductance
G: Symbol for German
G: Symbol for giga
G: Symbol for good
G-whiz: (also
gee whiz) A mild exclamation (1950's). A euphemism for Jesus.
G-force: The force of gravity.
G-string: A strip of cloth attached to the front and back of a waistband
and covering the loins.
G-clef: Symbol placed at the left hand end of a music stave indicating
the pitch of the music.
Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg